This is part of the cultural practices in Unwara that uplifts a male child into adulthood.It is part of the norm or belief system that for you to join your age-group or partake community expositions,one should be initiated which we brand presently as ÄTAMAJA".The first of Isiji practice is what we call Idupu Ogo-after the yam festival,Unwara community based on market days as being counted by our fathers will begin their cultural practices.
In the case of the first child of a man,before we will embark on Idupu which is an initiation of his child to become Isiji,he must have perform a traditional rite known as UBU.In the UBU,it involves the coming together of UKE-ETO(which is the age-grade before him,his own age-grade and the one behind them).It is this Ubu that we culturally know those that will be involved in Isiji excluding those that have initiated their first male child.Here,the man is free to initiate any of his male child that is following the first and it reduces the cost of the rite.
On the initiation proper,it starts on Nkwo day where the father in case of the first male,it is a celebration which involves dancing.The male child that is to be initiated will cut his hair and at the centre of his head,a circled hair will be left he will use to carry a bottle of either beer or hot drink-then mostly kai-kai.
Pls,since this page is exposed to the public both male and female and will be exposed to the world in the wikipedia,on taking the hot drink to elders sitting at the village square(OGO),where the now ISIJI is taken to,is exclusive right of initiated males to know.I can only say what the general public ought to know about it.
Two days after, being the Orie market day,the child will engage in another traditional rite where he will appear as a masquerade known as ÜKPO".His father will dress up and engage in dancing spree across the length and breagth of the village including dancing to the homes of his friends and relatives.The masquerades-Ukpo will later converge in a particular place known as known as Ugwu-Ibiam Eze to perform another rite.In the ISIJI cult,we have commandants known as Nze-ihu and Nze-azu.While the first takes lead,the later is the last in their line and on personal opinion ensures orderliness and known is missing amongst them-though an elderly man who knows the practices and will teach them will follow them.At Ugwu-Ibiam Eze where the last rite will be performed,Elderly men,elderly women(in the case of elderly women,I am particular with women we call Inyom Unwara) and red cap chief It also involves the commandants of the Ukpo cult of Nze-ihu,Nze-azu to perform the rites.This will be done in the second Orie day and when they are returning the Young women will engage them in a fun fight where Isiji will be throwing stones on them and there will be dodging it and the crowd will be watching.The old ones will get clothes hired from their mother to prepare themselves in the first and second Orie day of the initiation.
The old women will be singing and dancng without being touched by the Isiji group.A woman can also perform a traditional rite to her age-group which culminates in the initiation of her child with the lyric thus:
Iyogowiyo ne omu nwa isiji elee ngwo ngwo.
Dressed in traditional regalia of white socks in her legsclothes covering her breast,a special hair plait known as Ikwo adourned with ERE which is prepared with feathers of the hen.She will dance round the four village squares in Unwara and people will express good will by giving her money.
After the rite on the second Orie market day,the child is finally initiated and is good to go the following morning being Aho that ushers in the highly celebrated OHIA.
May I emphasize that Isiji has it's negative undertone particulaly against women and even the initiated.
* Amongst the women,if you inadvertently see them,you will appease them by providing inter alia:hen,palm frond,eggs,enyu.This will be placed in front of the house of one that is appeasing them.
* To the initiated,you will be free when you engage in what we call Mgboha or possibly sleep at the village square till the following day.
This two incidents are dreadedful that it continues to torment the one involved till it is done.
*The information provided her I feel is abridged.Further updates can be made to make it more authentic,accurate and reliable.More information about it can be sort from a friend and brother Sower Egwu Inya at Ezi-Ukwu Amagu.